
Monday, 25 February 2019


On Monday morning we do 20 minutes of free writing about what we choose we can choose anything here is my free writing

I slowly peep threw the crack in the wall
and you cant imagine what i saw
from behind me I felt a bump
and I crashed on to floor
I slowly pulled myself up holding onto my bed & then
I went face first and hit my head
once again I pulled myself up and in front of me stood a lady
but not any lady she was small but tall she was the size of my index finger
I ask what she does and she said I just linger
I was confused and when I looked behind her I see a small cottage in my wall
but I don know why I had that fall
then I realized when I pinched myself  it was a dream when I woke up my mum was pushing me trying to wake me for school
what a deep sleep you were in dear
Mum you can imagine what I saw
and when I turned to get up there
was a hole in my wall


  1. I like this piece of writing! Where did you get your inspiration from for this? Was it actually a dream? I like that you have a clear sequence to your writing, but maybe try to use higher level language and vocab next time.

  2. no I just made it up
