
Wednesday 28 November 2018

free writing


It was my first day of war i didn’t know when it was starting i was hesitating i walked outside and a gush of wind flew past me, I knew they were coming. I took cover the first bullet shots were fired,!!BANG, BANG!! war has begun. I took my first shots they threw a blind bomb and my life flashed before my eyes i couldn’t see anything all i could see were blurs of things lucky i wasn’t close to the bomb. My friend got hurt i dropped to my knees and helped my friend i took him to cover, my eyes felt like sand were in them,k a lot of sand. They stung really badly. . . i ran back to help fight, there wjtung i smelt fire and i knew it was close i walked and walked, the tents were all on fire as i was walking a hand grabbed my leg and pulled me down i was scared, but I knew I had to stay strong I am a solder I am fighting for my people so i knew what i had to do. I got my gun out i shot it before he could take his shot but it was empty my gun needed more bullets as he nearly shot me my friend shot him i was saved and i was glad that i was saved. . . 39 days later war had stopped i was glad that war has stopped because i had a whole life forward that i needed i didn’t want to die i was only 18 we traveled back home i was so happy and excited. As i got home i was happy home sweet home, have a great time satyn “my friend said” me and my family celebrated a party. . . .  TO BE CONTINUED

Monday 26 November 2018

paying it forward

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Image result for man png cartoonImage result for man png cartoonImage result for rollo lollies
Image result for whittakers chocolateImage result for picture of a house coolImage result for food and lolliesImage result for clothes outfitsImage result for food
that was a fast ride papa hi I brang a rolo, Whittakers chocolate, picture of where I stay, cloths, I will teach them golf and other games, and finally I will bring them a lot of foods and lollies ooh and mc donalds

Monday 19 November 2018

free writing

Rubbish affects our animals because it ends up in the ocean, river, and other places and ends up killing animals and hurting our earth, the pollution is a danger to our earth because when we litter it ends up in our ocean, and when birds fly across the sea they are looking for food, they will see plastic or something fly down and pick it up thinking it is food, birds could feed it to there chicks and they could die because it gets in their  in sides and that is bad. These animals are dying because of us humans have been littering, they eat it and could possibly die. Rubbish get litter about every single day and what happens to it? It ends up flying away and ending up in our ocean. About 6.5 million tons of rubbish gets litter and flies into our ocean. This is why pollution is bad for our earth.

Wednesday 14 November 2018

physical activity

Regular physical activity can improve your muscle strength. Exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your body to grow healthy, you have more energy you can move more like for an example if you sit on your butt all day what is that going to do nothing, because you could gain weight because you don’t exercise. You need to exercise more often to get fit and healthy, if you exercise more often then that is good because you are building up more muscle strength and you won’t get obesity and possibly get diabetes or  stomach cancer. this is what could happen do you want this to happen to you, I don’t think so, if you want to be fit you need to work harder to becoming fit you need to get of that couch and start moving this is what I expect for people.

Monday 5 November 2018

Anything writing

Why can’t people build a house for homeless people, it would just be like buying a house fo others to stay in, we can at least find a way to make these homeless people safe and let them have food and think in the future what would happen to them, would you like that if that happened to you. No you wouldn’t because you won’t be like that if you hate homeless people then maybe you will warm up to them plz just be nice to them. We need to think hard where to build a building for our homeless people in our community even in the world we need to tell people that if you they are nice just to build houses for homeless or just a big one for them to stay in we need to think hard what to do. If you were rich what would you do with the money would you spend it or would you share it with the charity or homeless  or anyone else that is out there that needs help If I were rich I would by a big house for the homeless and if i have left overs i would give it to the charity and anyone who needs it there are many people who are suffering out there and there is nothing that they can do about it because they have no where to stay eat or do anything. What i would do is help them they are willing for our help and people just think they are invisible. Help our people in this world plz.


Friday 2 November 2018

we had our assembly today, friday the 2nd, ocean and I were the speakers and we had a halloween theme assembly and we were dressed up scary because we were the talker, I dressed up as Edward scissorshands he is of a movie, and ocean went as a dead bride/day of the dead.
