
Friday 9 March 2018


If you hit people then you will get into big trouble and hitting is not for school and  bullying. Here are some ideas for you if you are getting bullied or you are annoyed with other people picking on you. Don't take it into your own hands never punch or bully them back just use the WITS that is the best thing to do. WITS means when people are upset when someone bullies them and that is cold hearted, why do people do this at times can't they just be nice and say if they want to play. why are people bully's to one another can't they be cordial that is what wits is for, so use wits and you won't get hurt or get upset.

                         !!follow these rules and you will be okayImage result for wits

Friday 2 March 2018


Our class has been learning about Waitangi, we have got some amazing facts here is my Waitangi project
!!hope you enjoy!!